3 Important Covid-19 Cleaning Tips

May 5, 2020

Right now, we aren’t offering COVID-19 cleaning services so that we can protect the health of our employees and you, our customers. For more information, take a look at our COVID-19 announcement. That doesn’t mean that we don’t want to help. Our COVID-19 cleaning tips will help empower you to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

COVID-19 Cleaning Tip 1: Wear Gloves

One of the biggest things you can do to help protect yourself and your family is to wear gloves while cleaning. Wearing gloves is even more important if you or someone in your home is an essential worker, first responder, or a medical professional.

We’re talking about two types of gloves. You can use disposable latex or nitrile gloves if you can get some. Alternatively, use a couple of pairs of heavy-duty cleaning gloves. If you don’t already have cleaning gloves, here’s why you need rubber gloves, even after the current virus has passed.

The trick is to make sure you’re taking off your gloves often enough. The gloves prevent the virus from getting to your hands. That doesn’t mean that the virus can’t survive on your gloves. Follow these rules for effective gloved cleaning:

  • Never touch your face while wearing gloves
  • Change your gloves when you change tasks/rooms
    • If you’re using rubber gloves instead of disposables, wash them with soap and water. Air dry between tasks.
  • Wash your hands before and after using gloves
  • Change your gloves more often in high-use areas like the kitchen and bathroom

This might be a COVID-19 specific tip, but following these rules will also help protect you from other viruses and bacteria as well.

COVID-19 Cleaning Tip 2: Disinfect and Deep Clean

If your home has essential workers or medical professionals, this is more important, and you should deep clean and disinfect more often. If you’re mostly able to stay at home and have limited exposure to the virus, you don’t need to deep clean as often.

Right now, it’s more important than ever to disinfect hard surfaces, and thoroughly clean. Think of this as spring cleaning and try to make a regular routine of cleaning. These steps work for more than just COVID-19 cleaning tips, this kind of cleaning can also help you after any household sickness.

You’ll need a few things to deep clean well:

  • Household disinfectant cleaner
  • Laundry detergent
  • Regular soap (dish soap works and is easy to buy in bulk)
  • (optional) isopropyl alcohol
  • Towels (paper or washable)

Clean as normal. But make sure you’re disinfecting once everything is clean every time. Vacuum your furniture. Consider cleaning cushions and other soft surfaces with a mild laundry detergent solution. Use isopropyl alcohol and paper towels to wipe down electronics if disinfecting wipes aren’t available.

For more tips, take a look at the CDC’s Covid-19 cleaning recommendations.

Of course, if you are not currently within two weeks of being diagnosed with Covid-19, we will be happy to help with this step. Call for a consultation or look at our services to learn more about our cleaning process.

COVID-19 Cleaning Tip 3: Use Hot Water

The last, and easiest tip is to use hot water for everything. Hot water helps make soap more effective, tearing apart the fatty barrier that protects the virus. That means this COVID-19 cleaning tip helps fight the virus directly on any surface it finds.

Use hot water for cleaning counters and mopping floors. Turn the dial on your washing machine to a hotter setting and only adjust for delicates that need a cool temperature. Wash your hands in hot water.

Any commonly used surface should also be hit with hot soapy water and lightly cleaned. Preferably every day for items like doorknobs, kitchen counters, and your bathroom toilet.

Even if the water temperature is only slightly above room temp, it will still help make your regular soap and washing routine more effective.

You should also change your wash water more often. Keep it warm or hot and refresh the soap regularly to keep it from getting too diluted.

Contact Us:

While we are taking appropriate precautions to make sure everyone we work with stays safe at this important time, we are still offering a wide range of cleaning services. Whether you need regular cleaning services or just a little help getting ahead, we can do it.

Contact us for a quote and we can go over the details of what you need from your cleaning services.

