Spring Forward By Spring Cleaning Your Home!

Apr 5, 2019

Spring Forward By Spring Cleaning Your Home!

10 Ways To Get Ready For Spring

  1. Wash the front door. It may sound a little strange, but it’ll make a huge difference.
  2. Replace your front door mat with a new one. Recycle the old one to the back door or the garage.
  3. Pump up the tires on your bikes and outdoor balls. Throw away any broken items and see what needs to be replaced for outside play.
  4. Get your lawnmower serviced. Check lawn supplies; weed eater cord, gas, oil, etc. Or set up a lawn service. Book now for summer vacations.
  5. Turn or flip mattresses on all beds.
  6. Wash all bed linens like dust ruffles, mattress pads, and comforters. Let them dry outside for an even fresher smell.
  7. Pull out refrigerator and clean behind and underneath it. Wipe off coils for more efficient cooling and replace your water filter. Clean the inside by disposing of old food items or make new menus for the items leftover in your freezer. Wipe off all shelves and drawers or have Rag Mops do it on your next cleaning. Finally, replace the baking soda box with a fresh one.
  8. Look at the décor around your house. Do you still love it? If not, take it down. Surrounding yourself with items you enjoy will make your home relaxing. I recently took everything down and had a friend come help me rearrange. Makes for a fresh start and a new love of your home.
  9. Clear out your medicine cabinet. Throw away any old or expired items. Remember to not put old medicine down the toilet. Pack it up in a Ziploc bag for later disposal. The area high schools have a medicine drop twice a year. Replace basic items like Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment, pain reliever, and basic meds for allergies, congestion and cough symptoms.
  10. Clean out your old toiletries and makeup. Keep only the items you actually use! Throw away old toiletries and replace items needed. Makeup only lasts a short time. Remember:Foundation-1 year
    Eye Shadow and blush – 2 to 3 years
    Eye and Lip Pencils – 3 years
    Mascara-3-6 months
    Lip Stick-2-3 years
    Nail Polish-2 years

