How A Professional Move-In/Out Cleaning Service Helps You

Feb 21, 2020

Moving is one of the most stressful periods in your life. Suddenly, the home you’ve lived in for so long needs a ton of work. It’s not just packing. It’s cleaning the oven. Cleaning behind the fridge. Cleaning out the cabinets. A professional move-in cleaning service may seem like one more expense, but it’s more than worth it. The stress relief alone will help you avoid other expenses during your move.

Whether you hire a professional move-in, or move-out, cleaning service for your home, it can help. Here’s how.

Destress: Let the Professionals Handle It

Cleaning during a move is one of the most stressful parts of the whole process. When your furniture and decorations are taken out of a space, suddenly you can see all the dust and dirt. You can see the stains on the walls. Carpeting that needs cleaning stands out like a sore thumb.

Whether you own your home or have a security deposit with a rental, these details matter. You could lose security deposit money on a professional cleaning, but at the prices your landlord sets. Or, if you’re selling or renting your own home, it might mean a longer turnaround.

Cleaning it yourself is an option. But you’re already dealing with the stress of packing in the first place. Renting a carpet cleaner is one more expense. Plus, carpet cleaning almost always takes longer than you expect.

A professional move-in cleaning service takes all that work off your hands. People who clean for a living know how to get the job done most efficiently. Not to mention, they’ll be able to spot things you can’t. Add to that a few more tools and a lot of know-how, and you know that your home (and your security deposit) is in good hands.

Your Landlord or Realtor Will Appreciate It:

Another reason to hire a professional move-in/out cleaning service is simple. Your landlord or realtor will appreciate it.

Landlords often have to pay for professional cleaning between tenants. They may still hire a cleaning service after you do. But, they usually won’t pass along the costs if you’ve already hired a cleaning service.

It will also cost them less to see to the cleaning, which may make them more forgiving on other items, and give you more of your security deposit back. Landlordology has a good article on how clean your rental should be, so you can decide for yourself.

Realtors also often pay for professional cleaning or ask that it’s done. It makes their jobs easier and will help you get higher offers on your old home. If you tell them that you already have it handled, that tells them you’re serious about selling your home.

Often, that means that they’ll be more motivated as well. The result? Better offers for you, and a faster turnaround on your home.

Professional Move-In Cleaning Services Aren’t Just For Your Old Home:

A professional cleaning service can also be helpful when you’re moving in to your new home. Whether you schedule this cleaning as a one time thing, or decide to make it a regular investment, a clean space reduces stress.

Most professional move in cleaning services will let you choose whether they arrive before you start unpacking or after you’re set up. Of course, you can just schedule these cleanings as one-time appointments.

Each has different benefits. Cleaning before you unpack means that your walls, floors, and appliances will get a fresh start. That can help clear out any lingering odors and stains from previous tenets.

Cleaning after you unpack will help get rid of the dust and movie debris that always follow you. That way you’ll get to see your new home, and all your furniture and things, in a fresh light.

Plus, you’ll know exactly what was cleaned and what wasn’t. That makes it easier to prioritize future cleaning.

Contact Us:

If you need help with cleaning for a move, or just want a cleaner home in general, you can contact us any time. Rag Mops believes in providing thorough and flexible services designed to fit your needs. Get a quote on the services you need, today!

Looking for more cleaning tips and tricks, take a look at our blog. Our Quick and Easy Closet Organizing method will make your move even easier!

